
As a responsible corporate citizen our mission is to become a forward-thinking practise leader in social innovation, responsible economic development and entrepreneurship. We strive to acquire, develop sustainable assets to strengthen the vital international trade ad transport systems, to grow the revenues, market-share and shareholder value of the multinational operators while meeting social and environmental responsibility objectives of significant importance at the same time. With increasing difficulty to access traditional sources of funding like venture capital and bank loans, Lux Infra Investments opens new gateways to global capital markets utilizing tailor-made green investment bonds enabling enterprises to expand their business in global markets.

Within our scope of influence we strive to provide our investors not only with the financial benefits but to make a significant contribution to the expansion of the international trade and transport infrastructure, unlocking new emerging markets vital to the responsible growth of the economy, the creation of new employment and social innovation objectives.

Social Responsibility
Lux Infra Investments invests only in social innovation and environmental responsibility programs. Instead of occasional donations to charities, disaster relief or sponsorships to local communities our firm actively undertakes initiatives to create useful employment, enable disadvantaged communities to improve quality of their living environment, to include communities in economic, educational and entrepreneurial activities, provide solutions to combat toxic emissions and waste disposal, restoring and preserving the ecosystem and deploying true renewable resources for clean and affordable energy amongst other initiatives. 
Environmental Responsibility
Our policy is aimed at creating and implementing green assets that have high impact on environmental protection, contribute to the preservation of the ecosystem and utilize true renewable energy sources, utilize nature-inspired zero-emission technologies that function like selfsustaining ecosystems and have significant beneficial impact on the economies of the world and sustainably foresee in basic human needs. These green assets simulate or replicate eco-systems that recycle waste and minimize pollutants in air, water and land surface and underground. We are commited to continuous improve the environmental awareness and performance, combatting emissions of greenhouse gases causing climate change. We encourage in particular green economy initiatives that are financially sustainable en able to fund own ongoing reserach, development and deployment.
Investor Responsibility
Being based in Luxembourg, one of Europe's largest financial centres with the highest standards of governance and compliance, Lux Infra Investments has access to a wide variety of investors, including pension funds, family offices, mutual funds and high net worth individuals. It is evident that we responsibly protect the investor's capital and strive to deliver the expected returns on their investments. We are extremely cautious with the selection of the valuable assets in which we invest and the protection hereof . Important in that matter is that the capital and the assets are always under the exclusive control of an independent securities trustee, mostly a reputable bank or an accredited licensed investment manager with oversight of a capable board of directors, an independent adminstrator and external auditor.
United Nations
Lux Infra Investments supports and enacts, within its sphere of influence, the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Our firm provides full transparency to the public on its undertakings and reports annually to the United Nations about its progress and achievements. We maintain also close relationship with the various UN organizations to get support for our initiatives, to showcase our projects and obtain the required support to implement the groundbreaking green innovations on a global scale.