
We invest exclusively in newly constructed, high income-producing assets with sustainable asset value and with significant upside value potential. The assets constitue important components of the global trade system and are situated at major hubs of important international transport routes. The assets comply with the latest zero emission and environment protection standards and utilize true renewable energy sources. The assets are constructed by reputable developers and operated by leading multinationals mostly. The assets are secured by long-term off-take and/or rental contracts state export guarantees as well as subsidies, grants, investment and tax-incentives and political risk insurance. Our strategy allows for reinvestment of proceeds, compounding profits multiple times throughout the investment period.
Asset Management Cycle
Reputable Originators
Lux Infra Investments sources candidate eligible assets directly from governments and multinationals. We select only projects fully approved by the authorities, with ratified operational licenses and completed development plans. The assets constitute vital components of the global trade system and international trasport infrastructures. The constructon of these assets will be undertaken by reputable developers and operated by experienced multinationals.

Our focus is on long-term income-producing assets, with accelerating revenue growth and significant upside value potential. The synergetic relationship with other transport systems is of significant importance. The strenght of the multinationals is the selection and development of new assets as well as the commercial roll-out and explaoitation hereof.

Professional Due Diligence
When targeting eligible assets, Lux Infra Investments commissions world leading scientific organizations and/or leading universities to undertake thorough due diligence. These organization provides us also with expert opinion about the economic, technical and commercial viability of the assets as well as other criteria including but not limited to regulatory and political roadblocks, infrastructure requirments, environmental impact and geotechnical and utility requirements.

Shortest Time to Market
Upon successful outcome of the due diligence, Lux Infra Investments instantly engages with leading multinationals to explore potential synergies for development, construction and exploitation. It is evident that such multinationals bring exceptional experience, know-how and critical resources to the table that will substantially reduce the time-to-market. When confirmed we proceed with establishing strategic partnerships or industry or geographic alliances, to ensure a fast track commercialization and roll-out in global markets. Often these multinationals desire to obtain an equity stake in the business. Our credo is here "better have a fair share in the ocean than full ownershp of a small lake".

Lowest Cost to Market
The strategic partnerships and alliances with multinationals often significantly reduce the need for capital to build up a global alliances. As these multinationals already have the experience, the capital, a state-of-the-art infrastructure and an existing global distribution and sales networks, it is relatively easy and cheap for them to rapidly integrate the new assets in the existing global business operations. It is evident that besides the significant cost savings also the risks of trial and error, normally involved when enterprises pursue their own, self-managed growth strategy.

Shortest Time to Revenue
The start-up of new trade and transport infrastructures requires often a lot of time and substantial investments to build up international trade relationships especially if they have be built up from scratch. The risk exists that valuable time and resources are wasted, the desired breakthrough fails and moreover the loss of the entire investment. Our support foresees therefore in building global strategic partnerships to ensure the assets start to produce cash flows a fast as possible. 

Sustainable Accelerate Growth
The key to the success to make a breakthrough in the global market place is acceleration of profitable growth and achieve economies of scale. As the business volumes increase numerous opportunties arise to achieve higher levels of efficiency. Besides fast-tracking the sales and distribution partnerships with multinationals, geographical or global, we actively explore also the opportunities for synergetic operations, maximizing the potential of the trade and transport assets. Such strategies have proven to be of significant importance for sustainable profitable growth.  

High Value Exit
As investors we do not strive to retain long term ownership over the assets but seek for a high value exit on our investment. Already from the moment we conduct due diligence on the targeted assets, we prepare for a high value exit. It is evident that the multionationals with whom we have established strategic partnerships are the primary candiates to acquire the assets. Throughout the investment period we also engage with leading private equity and venture capital firms and other institutional investors. Alternatively we mobilize our task force to prepare for a full or staged public offering. The objective isnot only to secure the highest value exit but to ensure the continuity and further global roll-out of the asset in accordance with our mission.  
Target Asset Classes
Asset Fact Sheets
Assets in Portfolio